Licensed to Claude-Robillard Sport Facility - Site License HY-TEK's Meet Manager 8/5/2015 11:14 AM National Youth Track and Field Championships - 8/7/2015 to 8/9/2015 Championnats Nationaux Jeunesse d'athletisme Ste-Therese, QC Liste de performances Épreuve 75 Garçons Pentathlon U16 =============================================================================== Legion: 3399 2014 Joel Harrison Nom Année Équipe Points =============================================================================== 1 Foster, Ethan 00 BC Flyers At 2795 2 Medeiros, Jackson 00 ST Thomas LE 2223 3 Guilmette, Gabriel 00 Corsaire-Cha 2178 4 Van Der Ploeg, Rienk 00 Sundown Athl NP 5 Peet, Aiden 00 Bolton Pole NP 6 Bruce, Cameron 00 Team Ontario NP 7 Marcynuk, Aaron 00 Team Alberta NP 8 Peters, Colton 00 Winnipeg Opt NP